La famille s'apprêtait à manger de la Dafina, mais a constaté avec surprise qu'il était impossible d'ouvrir le couvercle de la casserole!

    Sans tenir compte des avertissements de la maîtresse de maison, le père et ses enfants continuaient chaque semaine à se…

    The Powerful Effects of Sugar

    When we consume sugar, our body is programed to crave more sugar, so if we want to change our sugar-habit,…

    A Shidduch Story: Sorry, Wrong Number

    Countless memories crossed Shira’s mind of the times her father warned her not to ever bring home a Yeshiva boy,…

    Chosen Nation: G-d Gave the Torah Only To Us; Isn’t That Discrimination? Part 5

    The reward is in proportion to the responsibility and so is the punishment

    Seder Night: The Journey to Freedom

    We appreciate the gift of time and sanctify it. This Seder night let us journey to freedom with all of…

    A Practical Guide for Husband and Wife – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    In his great work, Mishneh Torah, the Rambam (Maimonides) surprises his readers in that he does not give the same…

    Holocaust Survivor Rabbi Gerd Jacob Wiener Remembers Kristallnacht

    Holocaust survivor Rabbi Gerd Jacob (Zwienicki) Wiener shares his memories of Kristallnacht, the November 1938 pogrom

    Teachings of Rav Yaakov Yosef of Polnoy

    The primary disciple of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of the first chassidic sefer ever printed -…

    Efron – Acting on Impulse

    Efron offered Avraham a field as a gift, though suddenly changed his mind. How could Efron change so quickly from…

    You’re Never Too Old

    My parents hadn’t let me go to seminary in Jerusalem, and I’d never gotten over it
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