Modesty and My Near Death Experience – Rivka Malka Perlman

    Everything we do, we can do it with joy. Hashem Loves You!

    Good Bad and In Between

    Can you really be in between?

    Gallery of Miniature Trees: Trendy in China and Japan

    See a gallery of beautiful Bonsai and Dwarf trees. Bosnai is a Japanese art form using trees grown in containers.…

    Wonders of Creation: Awesome Pictures of Frozen Water in Croatia

    A Hungarian photographer Tamas Toth displays a breathtaking gallery of frozen water in the national park of Croatia. "I discovered…

    The Suffering of Suicide Victims After Their Death

    The ‘aura’ of suicide victims and those who die from substance abuse intensifies every night, as though the soul continues…

    Watch: Rivka Malka Tells Her Story

    Watch Rivka Malka tell her fascinating story, how she came closer to Judaism

    Holocaust Survivors Discovered Over 500 Relatives

    Alex Kafri believed he and his sister were the only ones left from their family until recently
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