Watch: How Did the Frogs Help their Buddies that Fell into a Pit?

    Animation with a powerful message: There are many situations in life when a person falls into a deep pit, and…

    Who Wrote: “King Solomon Built the Temple on the Temple Mount”?

    Haj Amin Al Husseini the former Mufti of Jerusalem, that’s who!!

    Watch: This is what’s called Extreme Riding

    Some people are fearless, and are willing to risk their lives just for a little adrenaline. This cyclist is one…

    We’re in Exile, What can We Do about It?

    Realize we’re in darkness far from G-d and look for the light of His closeness

    Dreamed About a Snake? What Does it Mean?

    Is it a good sign or a bad one? Find out below

    Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

    The former Rabbi of the Western Wall, Rabbi Meir Yehuda Getz Zt”l said he’s seen it

    Bishop Gordon: Judaism Will Bring Light to Africa

    Bishop Samuel Gordon told Rabbi Shalom Arush “Your book The Garden of Wisdom changed my life!”

    48 Ways to Love and Be Loved

    Rabbi Noach Weinberg, the rosh yeshiva of Aish Hatorah, explains the 48 ways to attain wisdom from ancient Jewish sources,…

    Watch: Animal Brotherhood – When Animals Help the Weak

    Watch awesome footage of animals defending the weak. Must see

    Parenting: The Best Way to Raise Children

    Parents, you need to accept your children where they are
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