Judaism and the Pursuit of Happiness – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
Aside from happiness being a basic emotional need, it is also one of the most important principles in Judaism with…
How to Build Healthy Self-Esteem – Watch
Low self-esteem is the root of many psychological problems. What is the key to building your self-esteem? Psychotherapist Aryeh Sampson…
Nostalgia: This is what Jerusalem Looked like 52 Years Ago
Video footage of Jerusalem 52 years ago, after the miraculous victory of the Six-Day War
I Came From a Dysfunctional Family, Is there Hope for Me?
I feel my past is impacting the way I treat my wife and kids. What do I do?
The ’Zombie’ Snail
Watch the snail Who endowed with remarkable Mind control. Wonders of Creation
A 17 Year Old Girl Fought Off Attacking Shark
The girl, swimming on a Florida beach, thought it was a dolphin-but then it bit her leg
A Peeling Mask Made from Tomatoes?
This exfoliating mask will cleanse and brighten your complexion
A Single Woman’s Letter to G-d
You’re the owner of the jewelry store. Don’t you have a jewel for me?
Educate a Child According to His Way – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
What does King Solomon's statement in Proverbs “Educate the child according to his way", mean? Learn to identify the educational…
Pray For Your Children, Today!!
The day before Rosh Chodesh Sivan is the most auspicious time to pray for the welfare of your children; do…