Sick and tired

    Why I prefer to self-diagnose

    The Yearning Desire to Connect to Infinity

    In order to lead people to the objective goal of their existence, G-d has implanted within the human consciousness a…

    See Dramatic Rescue – Sri Lankan Navy Saves Elephants Drowning at Sea

    Elephants swept out to sea by strong currents were rescued by the heroic Sri Lankan Navy. Gone Viral

    ACTIVITÉS HIDABROUT. SECTION “Chalom Bayit: Paix au sein du foyer”.

    Plus de 5000 appels pour demande d’assistance, qui ont débouché sur la prise en charge de 3500 couples en difficulté…

    Watch: Best ‘Hava Nagila’ Performance Ever

    This version of the legendary Jewish song ‘Hava Nagilah’ will surely get you dancing. Enjoy

    The Chafetz Chaim’s 3 Minute Speech

    He helped get everyone's priorities straight

    Watch: Spectacular Show Created by Drones

    Amazing drone competition in Japan. Creative technology

    Stunning Footage of Earth at Night – Must See

    This view of Earth at night was captured by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Satellite. Wonders of Creation

    Frightening: Watch Powerful Lightning Strike in Colorado

    Lightning is one of the most beautiful displays of nature. The Sages instituted that we recite a unique blessing upon…
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