Drone Footage of Auschwitz Captures the Horrors of Nazi Germany

No words can describe the horrors of what was perpetrated by the Nazis against the Jewish people in Auschwitz. This…

Nafshi – Shulem Lemmer & Shulem Brodt with the Yedidim Choir

Enjoy this heartfelt performance of "Nafshi" by Shulem Lemmer and child soloist Shulem Brodt. Song Originally recorded by Ishay Ribo…

Eli Beer: Ve’yiyu Rachamecho – Music Video

Eli joins with the world renowned Freilach Band and the extremely talented Zemiros Choir for Ve'yiyu Rachamecho. The lyrics are…

Proof of Prophecy-Moshiach: When Will Moshiach Come?

Can we know when Moshiach is coming? Is there a fixed date for his arrival? What can we do to…
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