Sedom’s Attitude Towards Charity

    The behavior of the residents of Sedom stemmed from an ideology. To promote their cruel way of life, they instituted…

    British Medical Research: There is Life After Death

    An examination of more than 2,000 patients who underwent cardiac arrest shows that the consciousness retains its awareness, even during…

    Amazing Phenomenon: See Fish Living in Sand – How did they get there?

    Do you find it hard to believe, there are fish that live in the ground? See fish living in African…

    Man is Not Given a Challenge he Cannot Withstand

    Even someone born into a bleak existence — a dysfunctional family, difficult parents, or even a criminal society; cannot justify…

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    Rabbi Daniel Glastein Live from Chazaq Event Brooklyn NY

    The Hero’s Moment

    You can be a hero, too

    Elvis 40 Years Later: “I Too Want to be Part of the Chosen Nation”

    “He was always looking for a life of meaning”

    How to Get Rid of Flies Quickly & Easily

    If you want a quick and easy natural way to get rid of flies in your house this summer then…

    Praise G-d with Every Breath

    People like Finlay could die if they stop breathing just from concentrating too much during a TV show
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