It’s Hard for Me to Move Around But I Can Be Kind to Others

    If you want to be kind, G-d will send you opportunities to be kind

    Reading The Map Correctly – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    When a person reads the map wrongly, he doesn't understand how to respond to various situations. In the end he…

    A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Woman

    The mitzvah that instructs a married woman to cover her hair seems like an inconceivable restriction to many people. What’s…

    The Avot – Hashem’s Chariot

    All Jews inherit a deep spiritual connection from the forefathers

    Gallery: Rare Images Caught on Camera

    A breathtaking gallery of awesome moments in the field of extreme sports. Enjoy

    Hidabroot World Tour Summer 2017

    Warm up your Judaism this summer with world renowned speakers in your own home

    Fractured Families

    Our lives were shattered when my husband was accused of breaking our baby’s bones

    Top Doctors Treating Rabbi Shteinman put on Tefillin for the First Time

    They merited putting on Rabbi Shteinman’s own tefillin

    Watch – How Did the Dog React to Drowning Child?

    Proof that dog is man's best friend. Gone viral

    Watch: Steps to Cure your Husband’s Lack of Appreciation

    Why is appreciation such an important feature in marriage? Host of ‘The Ladies Talk Show’ Leah Richeimer, explains how to…
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