Start the New Year Empowered by Charlie Harary
Get renewed strength for the New Year
9/11 Miracle: Saved Twice From Tragedy – Yossi Gross
First he survived the Sbarro pizza bombing in Israel and then he was saved again from the September 11 attacks…
See Amazing Sail Ski Race
This is beautiful to behold
The True Secret Behind the Star of David
What does the Star of David symbolize? What is the origin of the "Star of David"? Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains…
Watch: Carpet of Clouds Covers Vietnamese Mountain
Tourists captured a spectacular moment when clouds covered the top of Mau Son Mountain in Vietnam. Wonders of Creation
Watch: NASA Finds Perfectly Rectangular Iceberg in Antarctica
The straight, flat, frozen block looks like it has been deliberately cut into shape. It’s thought to have broken away…
Abortion is in other words a helpless murder that takes place in the mother’s womb. In order to silence the…
5 Ways Righteous Gentiles Saved Jews in Europe During the Holocaust
Righteous Gentiles hid Jews in their homes, provided Jews with forged documents, assisted their escape, saved children and provided encouragement…
Do You Get Anxiety Attacks? You Can Overcome Them with Calmness
What are anxiety attacks? What causes them? How do you overcome them?
The Merit of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness
Some facts and stories about Rabbi Meir Baal Haness in honor of his yohrzeit