The Chef Who Closed Her Restaurant on Shabbat; “G-d Will Provide for Me”

    What brought a chef who owned a successful restaurant in Tel Aviv that was open for over a decade to…

    Chana Weisberg: Inspiring Jewish women around the world

    Chana Weisberg's message of empowerment for the Jewish woman is the centerpiece of all five of her books. "Every Jewish…

    New Study Confirms: Other Senses of People Born Blind Are More Developed

    The brain compensates for loss of vision and develops these alternate tracks for more effective living

    See the World’s Highest Man-Made Waterfall on a Chinese Skyscraper

    The Chinese man-made waterfall reaches the height of 108 meters. It costs almost $120 per-hour to pump water to the…

    Pasteurization in the Talmud

    “R. Yochanan said: [Drink] a cupful of witchcraft, but not a cupful of tepid water.” How Did Rabbi Yochanan Know…

    Second Time Around

    The yeshivah followed a five-year cycle of talmudic study

    Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Sugar

    Purim is just around the corner! Sugar will probably be the main ingredient in the Mishloach Manot you receive. This…

    Eli Beer: Ve’yiyu Rachamecho – Music Video

    Eli joins with the world renowned Freilach Band and the extremely talented Zemiros Choir for Ve'yiyu Rachamecho. The lyrics are…

    25 Years: an Inspiring Interview with a Woman Whose Infertility Came to an End

    To wait for a child for 25 years, to undergo treatments and see your friends marry off their children, doesn’t…
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