8th Day: “Celebrate” – Official Music Video

    Why wait to celebrate? Enjoy another magnificent performance by 8th Day

    Judge People Favorably

    Rabbi Goldwasser shares a story that conveys the importance of judging others favorably

    The Mysterious Lives of Plants

    Scientists are discovering amazing facts about plants- their ability to feel and sense what humans are doing around them. These…

    5 Ways Righteous Gentiles Saved Jews in Europe During the Holocaust

    Righteous Gentiles hid Jews in their homes, provided Jews with forged documents, assisted their escape, saved children and provided encouragement…

    Message to Parents: Compliment, But Don’t Exaggerate

    It turns out that even compliments in parenting have a limit

    Optical Illusions: See Images that Play on your Eyes

    Get a glimpse of the complexity of eyesight. Gone viral

    Will this Invention End the Arson Terror from Gaza? – Watch

    Is it possible to neutralize the flames before they get out of hand? Alon Alsheich, a resident of Otef Aza,…

    “Train the youth according to his way”

    The goal of education is not to change the child’s nature, rather the role of education is to take any…

    Why Is Cancer Less Common In Elephants?

    Scientists were intrigued why elephants, which have more cells than humans, hardly develop cancer. Now they think they have the…
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