Gallery: Cars Buried in Snow Become Works of Art

    People share fascinating pictures of their cars after a night of freezing snow. See wonderful gallery

    Who is The Messiah? Must See

    What will happen when the Messiah arrives? Will the Messiah be some sort of savior or liberator? Rabbi Manis Friedman…

    Success Comes from Giving Charity – Sol Werdiger

    Sol Werdiger explains why being charitable is essential for being successful in business. Delivered at Olami Professional Circles

    What’s So Special About the Holy Language – Hebrew?

    Before the Tower of Babel, everyone spoke the same language — Hebrew. It is also the language in which the…

    The Mystical Aspect of Mirrors

    Mirrors have enabled science to potentially move much closer to the truth of the Torah

    Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 3)

    After he gets someone to sin he prosecutes him

    Teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

    A great-grandson of the Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of “Likutei Moharan.”

    Watch: How is Honey Made?

    On Rosh Hashanah Jews all around the world practice the custom of dipping apples into honey. How does the honey…

    Parshat Shekalim It’s Reasons and Laws

    When do we read Parshat Shekalim? What is the mitzvah of giving a half shekel? What was the purpose of…

    Vitamin D Helps Heal Burns

    It also prevents the forming of scar tissue
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