Is There Life on Other Planets?

    Human beings have always asked the question: Do plants, animal life, or even sophisticated cultures exist on other planets? What…

    Free Will In Action – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Battles are always being fought at the point of free will, and that point is always changing

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky – Add “Achashverosh” to the Patient’s Name

    Why did Rabbi Kanievsky decide to add the name "Antiochus" or "Achashverosh" to the patient’s name, and how did he…

    Dressing like a Queen

    If you treat yourself like a queen, others will too!

    Look out for Others!

    That’s the secret of success even if you’re having a hard time yourself!

    A essência da observância do Shabat

    De fato, o sábado permaneceu no povo judeu até hoje. É o sinal eterno da verdade da Torá, pois somente…

    Watch: How to Rescue an Elephant Stuck in the Mud

    Touching: This elephant was stuck in the mud somewhere in Kenya for more than half a day, when kind individuals…

    Wonders of Creation: Utopia of Waterfalls

    These falls will not leave you with many choices but to enjoy their magical beauty, and thank G-d more intensely…

    Watch: Deep Sea Diver Lights the Menorah on the Sea Floor

    A deep sea diver challenges himself to light the menorah in the depths of the sea while being surrounded by…

    Living Shmittah

    Shemittah sensitivity - Do we have enough sensitivity to the laws of Shemittah?
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