Reading The Map Correctly – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

    When a person reads the map wrongly, he doesn't understand how to respond to various situations. In the end he…

    The Miraculous Relationship Between the Jewish People & the Land of Israel

    What is the secret of the miraculous transformation of Israel from a desolate wasteland into a prosperous and blossoming land?…

    Don’t Fight Your Addiction All by Yourself

    Join a support group, it'll make all the difference

    Wonders of Creation: This is what you Call ‘Camouflage’

    See incredible footage of camouflaging ability at the highest level. “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I…

    Repentance for Slander and Gossip

    How should one repent for speaking slander or gossip about a fellow Jew?

    Watch: Newborn Baby Monkey in its Mother’s Arms

    This little monkey just entered the world at the Brookfield zoo. Watch a video that will warm your heart

    Must See – The Future of The Jewish Family – Panel with Rabbi Menachem Levine

    Why is intermarriage forbidden? What is the Torah approach to intermarriage? “People who are products of intermarriage, have less connection…

    A permanent mud puddle

    His doorstep was graced by a perpetual pool of mud

    Survival Tips for a Heat Wave

    Fan or air-conditioner, how much water should I drink? Ministry of health instructions

    (Coca) Cola ’Added Life’ to a Patient by Dissolving a Stomach Obstruction

    This preempted an invasive surgery to remove the obstruction
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