Crazy Roads from Around the World you won’t Believe Exist – Gallery
Narrow, remote, steep, curvy and dangerous roads from around the globe. Gone viral
More and More Establishments Choose to Close on Shabbat
Some mention the profits they gained; all mention the Shabbat peace they gained
Under Cover of Night
Undeterred by the danger, a young girl risked her life for the sake of others
Conversion – A Question of Substance Not Ceremony
Jewish identity is not a membership label which one gets by joining the Party and identifying with its goals. Jewish…
Rare Footage: The Western Wall a Century Ago on Tisha B’av
Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall - Rare footage from the the year 1909. A Jew sits on the ground…
Brave New World: The New Genetics – Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz
Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz discusses Jewish genetics, premarital genetic screening, DNA identification methods and more
Avraham – Natural Kindness or the Will of God?
We learn from Avraham that sometimes following one’s natural affinity to kindness may not constitute HaShem’s will.
Lessons to Take Home from Lag BaOmer
What do we learn from Rabbi Shimon?
Watch: How to Rescue an Elephant Stuck in the Mud
Touching: This elephant was stuck in the mud somewhere in Kenya for more than half a day, when kind individuals…
Understanding the Sins of Great People in the Torah – Rabbi Akiva Tatz
Did Adam, Abraham and King David really sin? Rabbi Akiva Tatz explains the sins of the Biblical Greats from a…