Checking Eligibility to Receive Charity

    Who is eligible to receive charity? If a person is in need of food or clothing immediately, no checking is…

    If I Were a Rich Man

    Can I ever be rich?

    Ten Things You May Not Know About Havdalah

    Havdalah is the ceremony marking the conclusion of Shabbat (or of Yom Tov or Yom Kippur) and the transition to…

    Yom Kippur Actually Works!

    Rabbi Nissel shows us how Yom Kippur works

    “Train the youth according to his way”

    The goal of education is not to change the child’s nature, rather the role of education is to take any…

    Covid-19: The Only Solution – Love & Kindness

        In this 3:00 minute video, Rabbi Botton delivers a Passover message of hope and light as we face the Coronavirus…

    The Infinite Creator Concealed in the Composition of the Universe and Man

    Lofty Kabbalistic concepts are hidden in nature and in the unified field theory

    Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman Zt “l Lighting The Menorah 11 Years Ago

    Special video of the Holy Sage Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman of Blessed Memory lighting the Chanukah candles in 2008, including…

    Watch: One Man Band

    This guitar player is not just 'another' guitar player. You will not believe what his guitar contains...

    The Purity of a Man and the Flood

    Even if a man who spills his seed is considered a murderer because he has destroyed a potential child, why…
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