‘My Brothers and Sisters, the People of Israel Gave Me a Great Big Hug’

    Racheli Frankel says “our nation must keep its ability to unite and be there for each other”

    Tehillim – Psalms for Shabbat

    Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Shabbat, divided into daily portions. Shabbat Psalms: Chapters 120 – 150

    Judaism and Science – Conflict or Harmony?

    The Torah is not a book of nature. But it is a book of what happens behind nature. Behind the…

    I See Fire by Pinny Schachter – Music Video

    This song transforms I see fire into a story about how Jews overcame the fire of the holocaust to be…

    Music Video – Cry No More by Yaakov Shwekey

    It's time for Jerusalem to 'cry no more'. May we merit eternal peace in Jerusalem speedily in our days

    Such a Small Innocent Headline Could Be So Dangerous

    The Pandora’s Box that a 16 year old boy opened on an unfiltered cell phone can ensnare anyone

    After Doing Kindness with the Deceased he Discovered a Chilling Detail about the Man he Buried

    When Rabbi Amman was left alone burying a man he never met in a cemetery in Staten Island, he never…

    Laws of Shabbat – The Melacha of Grinding

    Why is it forbidden to grind a chili pepper on Shabbos, whereas crumbling bread or cookies is permissible?

    New study: Excessive Use of Social Media Causes Loneliness

    Can social media help people dispel their loneliness? A new study shows that not only is social media not the…

    Out of the mouths of babes

    Sometimes it takes a child to see the truth
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