Purim: New York Boys Choir – Hipil Pur

    Choir Produced & Directed by Yitzy Bald

    Alliel: Am Yisrael Chai – Don’t Worry Bout a Thing

    Masterpiece by Alliel & Moshe Friedman

    Beri Weber’s New Release: Gesher Tzar – Music Video

    Don’t forget, always remember, this world is like a narrow bridge, over a stormy sea that never ends. The main…

    Rare Footage: Celebrating Lag BaOmer in Meron in1935

    Rare and moving documentation of the Lag BaOmer celebrations of 1935, in Meron. Must see

    The Soul of the Inanimate

    If the constant energy that comes from the Creator were to stop driving the electrons round in their orbits, the…

    Happiness is The Most Important Mitzvah!

    Train yourself and your children in this great mitzvah

    The Ingathering of the Exiles – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What will be the political situation of the Jewish people before the Redemption? Rabbi Zamir Cohen on the ingathering of…

    Journey of a Melody: Avinu Malkeinu

    Yanir plays this traditional melody in 3 different synagogues around the world, in Sweden, Norway and Finland, on a pipe…

    Second choice

    It was not the carriage of her dreams

    The Hidden Tzaddik: Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Dayan

    Only twenty-six years after the passing of Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Dayan of blessed memory, a memorial service (tikkun) was held…
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