The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

    I didn’t like rice but when my neighbor made it I loved it!

    Give And Let Give

    He insisted on paying the entire amount, wanting the whole mitzvah for himself

    The Rabbi From Caracas

    The Adventures of the Rabbi from Caracas, Venezuela who dedicated himself to bring all those Jews back to where they…

    What Is Hezbollah?

    Who supplies Hezbollah with financial support? How is Hezbollah different from other terrorist organizations? Tony Badran, Research Fellow at the…

    One Moment Before You Decide …

    Ultimately the decision of whether to have an abortion is yours, so be aware of the moral, humane, Jewish legal…

    World Renowned Chef Meir Adoni Goes Kosher

    "Shabbat and Kashrut brought me great blessings"

    What Keeps Us From Becoming Great?

    We do it to ourselves but how?

    Prophecies relating to the Holocaust

    The most momentous event of our times was the Holocaust and it is no surprise that the prophets related to…

    Sharing the Wealth with Others

    You should share what you know. That is as important as your own personal growth!

    Unity Concert in Pittsburgh – Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer & Shulem Lemmer

    Over 1500 men, women and children from all walks of life gathered in Pittsburgh for a unity concert on Sunday…
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