Alone Having a Heart Attack? You Can Save Your Own Life!

    These steps can save your life if you cannot get immediate medical attention.

    Y-Studs: VeUhavtu & Baruch Hashem – Acapella Style

    Another vocal masterpiece from Y-Studs. Enjoy

    Proof of Prophecy: The First Exile

    How long did the first exile last? Did someone predict in advance and guarantee that it would happen? Feel what…

    The Consequences of Indifference and the Danger of Contemporary Anti-Semitism

    Rabbi Menachem Levine's Invocation at San Jose City Council on January 19, 2019. Rabbi Levine is the Rabbi of Congregation…

    Bible Codes: The Twin Towers

    A Bible code discovered the evening after the disaster, which stunned the whole world occurred in New York City

    They Don’t Deserve Everything

    A child needs to understand that he can’t get everything he wants. This understanding will only do him good

    Watch: Historic Palace Discovered in Mosul

    The Assyrian King's palace was discovered during excavations conducted by Isis under the tomb of Jonah the Prophet in Mosul.…

    Torah and Science Aren’t Contradictions

    Must all lawyers and legal experts study science to prevent contradicting it? So why say that about Torah?

    Watch: Petition Notes Removed from the Western Wall

    Members of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, under the close supervision of the Western Wall's Rabbi, did a Pre-Passover cleanup…

    La famille s'apprêtait à manger de la Dafina, mais a constaté avec surprise qu'il était impossible d'ouvrir le couvercle de la casserole!

    Sans tenir compte des avertissements de la maîtresse de maison, le père et ses enfants continuaient chaque semaine à se…
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