Pilot from Ecuador Captures Images of Incredible Thunderstorms

    A pilot named Santiago Borja, from Ecuador, displays a breath-taking gallery of thunderstorms from a pilot's view. Images from around…

    Menahem Begin pour la sainteté du Chabbat : regardez un discours émouvant extrait des archive

    Menahem Begin dans un discours brûlant pour la sainteté du Chabbat

    The Temple Mount

    What is so unique about the Temple Mount?

    On the Verge of Death: “I Knew It Was the Last Call to Enter the Train”

    Limor Tabibi’s operation led to a series of medical complications — until she had a clinical death experience. Until today,…

    Attitude of Gratitude

    How can we stop the idea that everything is coming to us? Can we let our children feel everything is…

    Shmittah – A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year

    No one can possibly predict in advance with any certainty how much the crop will increase in years to come,…

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant, They Both Go through the Same Things (Part One)

    If you understand what an immigrant goes through you’ll understand what a Baal Teshuva goes through

    Huge Explosion at a Military Warehouse in Russia – Watch

    Russia’s Defense Ministry said a fire triggered the explosions at a storage facility for gunpowder near the city of Achinsk…

    What Does Science Think About G-d?

    Is science advancing towards the discovery of G-d? And what did the greatest scientists state about a Diety? Simple logic…

    Health Benefits for the Body and Soul

    Sara Chana Silverstein works tirelessly to raise awareness in the Jewish world about the benefits of homeopathy and herbs, and…
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