“When They Ask Me in Heaven Why I Didn’t Help, Can I Say I Was Cold?

    A winter storm wouldn’t stop the ageing Chafetz Chaim from helping a neighboring town build a mikvah

    The Chafetz Chaim’s 3 Minute Speech

    He helped get everyone's priorities straight

    Drugs and Other Quick Fixes

    Drugs can provide instant pleasure. And drugs will dissolve your sense of self until you have no personality left. The…

    How Can I Become a Happy Person?

    By appreciating our own bodies we can reach happiness

    Does a Human Go Out of Existence When He Dies?

    The Torah teaches us that there is life after death and even describes in detail what happens to the soul…

    A Cantonist’s Soul is Reawakened

    The guard watched in wonder as the Jew danced round and round with the small volume in his hands

    Rabbi Zamir Cohen On Tzofiyah: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Was Impressed With The Initiative

    After five years of development and adaptation, the new kosher digital converter from Hidabroot has finally been launched. In a…

    Dressing like a Queen

    If you treat yourself like a queen, others will too!

    The Dance

    What we wouldn’t do for our children

    Don’t Be Afraid

    When her son becomes sick, a mother’s love transcends their estrangement
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