Women to know: Dr. Olitsa Roth one of Boro Park’s most well-known pediatricians

    As long as Hashem gives me brains and motion...I will be here

    YAHRTZEIT (15 Cheshvan): 10 Quotes from the Chazon Ish

    What is the purpose of a Jew who keeps the mitzvos? What is the most basic thing necessary to perfect…

    Purim: New York Boys Choir – Hipil Pur

    Choir Produced & Directed by Yitzy Bald

    The Root of Homosexuality – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    A complete human being is a person composed of two parts, one part male and the other part female. It…

    How to Spiritually Remedy Mental Illness

    Some facts about mental illness and ‘Segulot’, spiritual remedies that can help

    Borei Nefashot: After-Blessing on Other Foods

    Borei Nefashot is recited after eating vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, fruits (except for olives, dates, etc. which are…

    A Thyme, Hyssop (Zaatar) and Oregano Infusion to Boost Your Immune System

    Fight the flu, common cold and their side effects with this natural infusion

    Chidoukhim et recherche du conjoint

    On l’a oubliée à la maison : la jeune fille qui cherche (toujours) un Chidoukh (Chidoukh, au pluriel Chidoukhim : rencontre…

    Mystique : Une ségoula véridique et incroyable pour le matin du jeune d’Esther à ne pas manquer.

    Le Rav Tsvi Hirsch Kaydnover rapporte dans son livre Kav Hayachar une ségoula véridique à faire dès le lever du…

    How Can You Know if Someone Needs Immediate Emotional Care?

    Identify the red lights warning you and the lines that shouldn’t be crossed in order to help people you know…
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