Avraham Fried & Eviatar Banai: Ke’ayal Ta’arog

    Avraham Fried & Eviatar Banai perform together at a Tzama concert

    Coronavirus: Being Together with other Jews

      Credit: Pulse of Israel Facebook Twitter. À propos À son ami l abbé chaulieu qui d’ailleurs ne d’un rapportés…

    Watch: Lioness Protects Wildebeest Calf from Predators

    A lioness hunts down a wondering wildebeest calf, and then displays unusual tameness and kindness. Must see

    Proof of Prophecy: The First Temple

    How can one prove the truth of a prophecy? Rav Zamir sets out in his "Journey to the Truth" the…

    Conflicting Forces vs. Harmonious Duality Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Some people are confounded by the Torah’s prohibitions involving the combination of two entities. Examples of this include cooking and…

    New Release: Rabbi Shimon – MBD

    Mordechai Ben David releases his new hit single 'Rabbi Shimon' for Lag BaOmer 5779

    Sick and tired

    Why I prefer to self-diagnose

    Watch: Miniscule Antique Tefillin Found in Caucasus

    Amazing Footage: Antique tefillin located in Caucasus – Gone viral

    Passover Recipe: Shoulder of Lamb

    There’s nothing like lamb for Passover especially since it’s yummy and most of all easy to prepare!

    The Status of a Woman According to Kabbalah

    According to Kabbalah, the woman corresponds to the tenth Sphere – the Sphere of Malchut (royalty). She receives from the…
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