And Then There Was One

    Margalit Zenati, also known as “the Jewish gatekeeper of Peki’in,” is almost 85 years old

    Morning Prayers for Beginners – Edot Hamizrach

    This is a shortened prayer for beginners including the morning blessings, shema and the amidah (the silent prayer)

    All Night Hoshana Rabbah Live Broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem

    Watch the annual Hoshana Rabbah livestream broadcast from Ohr Somayach Jerusalem. Be inspired throughout the night by world renowned lecturers;…

    Did Our Ancestors Swing from the Treetops?

    Why Not Believe in Evolution?

    Nutrition: An Egg a Day?

    You heard of an apple a day keeping the doctor away but an egg a day?

    Hidabroot Tisha B’Av Worldwide Live – Webcast Event

    Pick and choose from a long list of inspiring videos that will touch your soul and bring you to yearn…

    The Rules of the Game

    Life is a house of mirrors where you can bump your head

    Shabat Hagadol

    "Por que vocês estão pegando o cordeiro?" O povo de Israel respondia: " para sacrificá-lo no sacrifício de Pessach conforme…

    Watch: Tiger and Goat Form Unique Bond

    This goat was given to the tiger as live food, though they ended up being best friends. Could this be…

    The Atom and the Soul of the Inanimate

    Does a Squirrel have a Soul? Does a Tree have a Soul? Does a Chair have a Soul? And What…
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