Marital Harmony – A Lesson from the Fly and the Butterfly

    It’s all a matter of perspective. By Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Watch: Folding Napkins like You’ve Never Seen Before

    Looking for a nice innovative idea to decorate your Shabbat table? Take a look at a genius tip for folding…

    Self – Deception

    Genuine control is only in the spiritual realm

    Why Do We Make Kiddush on Shabbat

    Rabbi Lauffer tells us how it works

    Morality in the Mirror

    How do you know when you're right? How do we know that our beliefs are really true?

    We Are All Addicts Trying to Escape Self-Consciousness – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    How can you prevent your children from addiction? Rabbi YY Jacobson provides tools for hope, healing and recovery

    Did You Know: Shabbat Nachamu

    Did you know why the Shabbat after Tisha B'av has a special name?

    Looking Forward to a Dreamy Seder Night?

    Are you dreaming of a pleasant, fascinating and enjoyable night for the whole family? Don’t just dream! Plan it now…

    The Anniversary of the Holy Ohr Hachaim’s Passing

    The "Ohr Hachaim" commentary and its author won the admiration of all Torah scholars, but especially those from the chassidic…

    Breslov Nigunim at a Wedding with Eitan Katz

    Two beautiful breslov nigunim, Ashreinu & Me'ein Olam Haba. Enjoy
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