9/11 Miracle: Saved Twice From Tragedy – Yossi Gross

    First he survived the Sbarro pizza bombing in Israel and then he was saved again from the September 11 attacks…

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant (Part two)

    We can discuss the 5 stages they both go through in more depth

    Henry Fuerte, a 9/11 World Trade Center Survivor Tells his Story

    “Why did I survive when 256 co-workers, 70 of them personal friends died?”

    Secrets of the Deep

    "A BIG BALL" - Spectacular video of the unity power of sardines, which is the secret of their survival

    Watch: Spectacular Drone Footage of The Dead Sea at Sunrise

    One of the most beautiful natural places in the world, just an hour from Jerusalem and two hours from Tel…

    How Much Do You Really Love the Western Wall?

    If you do where were you yesterday?

    For this Boy I Prayed – Motty Steinmetz & The Shira Choir

    Lyrics: For this boy I prayed! For you my dear son I prayed to Hashem, Hashem kindly fulfilled my wishes,…

    10 things You Should Know About OCD

    What is it? Does it need professional treatment? What are the most effective treatments for it?

    Checking Eligibility to Receive Charity

    Who is eligible to receive charity? If a person is in need of food or clothing immediately, no checking is…

    Watch: Jewish American Soldiers in Iraq Celebrate the Shabbat Project

    This is the sixth year that thousands of Jews around the world have joined together to observe the worldwide Shabbat…
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