Sharing the Wealth with Others

    You should share what you know. That is as important as your own personal growth!

    Treasures in the Suitcase: small mementos tell a larger story

    A weekly Look at The Kleinman Family Holocaust Education Center

    Abba: Avraham Fried & Ari Hill – New Release

    "Father, Father, Father, to You we sing and pray, You never turn away"

    The Archer Fish

    Amazing Fishes, known for their habit of preying on small animals - by shooting them down with water droplets from…

    A Total Turnaround- If I Can Do It You Can Too!

    “One Hanukkah I was divorced, really overweight and hopeless and crying; the next Hanukkah I was happily remarried”

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 10, 2018 – Parshat Re’eh

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 10, 2018 - Parshat Re’eh

    Doing it Yourself – The Two Phases of Life

    Watch a fascinating clip illustrating the kabbalistic patterns and phases in life, with Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Knowledge of bee honey contents in the torah

    Just as the camel eats grass and turns it into milk after it was processed in the camel’s body, and…

    Did Our Ancestors Swing from the Treetops?

    Why Not Believe in Evolution?
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