Jilted Bride Donates Her Wedding Feast to the Homeless

Most people would be utterly devastated if they planned to get married, prepared an elaborate wedding and then their ostensible spouse cancelled at the last minute. However one such jilted bride managed to use her predicament to help the less fortunate members of society when she used the food from her cancelled wedding party to feed the homeless in her area.

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Quinn Duane of Sacramento, California, was about to get married. The groom- to –be, got cold feet and decided to call of the wedding, a 35,000$ event. However instead of cancelling the reception, Duane’s family invited all of the city’s homeless to enjoy the food, which would otherwise have gone to waste.

When I found out on Monday that the wedding would not be taking place, it just seemed like, of course, this would be something that we would do to give back,” said Quinn’s mother Kari.

The family held the dinner on the couple’s planned wedding date in a Banquet Hall at the Citizen Hotel, Sacramento. Many homeless people arrived for the feast, but the erstwhile bride could not bring herself to show up.

I feel a lot of heartache and heartbreak for her,” said Kari of her daughter. “But I will take away something good from this, I will.”

The guests, from a local homeless shelter, filed in and feasted on a meal including salad, cauliflower, beef and salmon. They expressed their gratitude to the family, and sympathy for the jilted bride.

When you’re going through a hard time and a struggle, for you to get out to do something different and with your family,” Rashad Abdullah said, according to ABC. “It was really a blessing.”

Erika Craycraft, another guest, also weighed in: “To lose out on something so important to yourself and then give it to someone else is really giving, really kind.”

The wedding bill also included a non- refundable honeymoon trip which according to reports, Quinn will spend with her mother Kari.

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