Israel News

Defying the Odds, Comatose Terror Victim Makes Astonishing Recovery

Doctors predicted that Tzvika Cohen, 47, might never recover and that if he would, he would likely be paralyzed for life. After he was brutally attacked by an axe-wielding Arab terrorist just outside of a Maale Adumim mall where he worked as a guard, Cohen remained comatose for three weeks and suffered severe injuries across his body. The staff at Hadassah Ein Kerem in Jerusalem initially struggled just to keep Cohen alive.

But Cohen beat the odds and to everyone’s amazement, made an amazing recovery. Not only is he able to care for himself, but he says, “I’m able to eat and shower on my own, and I can walk and carry myself much better than I could just a few weeks ago.”

This week, He received a green-light to return home after five and a half months in the hospital. He will be celebrating his 48th birthday with his family this Sunday at home.

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