Health & Nutrition

Do you Crave Salty Snacks? This Study will Surprise You

Do you find it difficult to resist salty snacks? According to a study, this has nothing to do with a lack of self-control, but rather indicates normal neurological activity in the brain
A team of researchers from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at the Harvard Medical School in Boston examined the cause of uncontrollable cravings for salty foods. The results of the study show that the cause of the cravings comes from a group of neurons in the brain.
These neurons are called NTSHSD2. The researchers found it was acting as a response to the activity of a hormone called angiotensin II, which stimulates hormone production and aldosterone. This hormone is produced when there is a lack of sodium and helps the kidneys retain sodium and water in the body. The activity of this hormone also increases blood pressure and can cause blockages in the blood vessels.
Through experiments in mice, the researchers found that both sodium deficiency and its consumption led to increased production of these hormones, and accelerated neuronal activity in the brain, which significantly increased the desire for salty foods.
The World Health Organization estimates that 2.5 million deaths a year can be prevented if people are able to reduce daily salt intake to a level of 5 grams a day. According to the data, most people in Western countries consume sodium at a high rate of 80 -140% of the recommended intake. As is known, this phenomenon may increase blood pressure and cause various diseases in the heart and blood vessels.
Dr. Jon M. Resch one of the study’s first authors said “our work establishes that sodium ingestion is tightly regulated by the brain, and dysfunction in these neurons could lead to over- or under-consumption of sodium, which could lead to stress on the cardiovascular system over time.”
Dr. John Ratch and his team hope that the new discovery will enable the development of new drugs that have an effect on these neurons, while also helping people to control the urge to consume salty foods that pose serious threat to their health.

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