In New Delhi people were taking money out an ATM and were shocked to hear a voice from inside it shouting: “Get me out of here! Please help!” Notes also came out of the machine with the same request. Originally people smiled thinking it was a cute joke. People told the local media outlets: “We were convinced that this was some sort of joke or mischief”.
When this strange episode kept on repeating itself someone decided to call the police. Only then when the police came did anyone realize the miracle that took place. The voice was actually from someone trapped inside the ATM. A technician came to fix the machine and got stuck inside it when the door slammed behind him. He kept sending notes because his cell phone was in his bag outside. The note a policeman received said: “please, I’m begging you! I’m stuck in here without a telephone please call up my boss.”
The technician had no way to inform his boss of his whereabouts. He said: “I knew the only way to be saved was by pushing notes out of the machine to people withdrawing money.”