What’s the Difference Between Judaism and Other Religions?

    Judaism is not afraid to declare that G-d gave His Torah to His chosen people in front of the entire…

    What’s a Nice Jewish Girl Like You Doing, Living on N.Y. Streets?

    A religious Jew from New York who had compassion on Nurit who was thrown out of her home into the…

    The Vegetarian Predator

    Superficially, this plant looks innocent-looking, and even tempting to approach. But a closer look leaves us open-mouthed. The wonders of…

    Library Book 60 Years Overdue Was Finally Returned!

    The overdue fine was 93,600 shekel but a handshake sufficed instead

    “Train the youth according to his way”

    The goal of education is not to change the child’s nature, rather the role of education is to take any…

    G-d Loves You!!

    Knowing that, you can proceed to have faith in Him

    How to Check for Bugs – Rivka Malka Perlman

    Watch a short and simple video on how to check for bugs from Rivka Malka's kitchen

    Quotes From the Prophet Jeremiah About Shabbat, Fires and Redemption

    Shabbat brings the Redemption, its desecration brings fires

    Jewish Parents, a Disappearing Breed

    Most Jews will have no next generation to succeed them; this is a quiet demographic holocaust
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