World News

“If Ahed Tamimi Would’ve Hit Any Arab State Soldier, She’d be Dead Today”

Ahed Tamimi was arrested for many counts of harassing and assault of Israeli soldiers. The press says she’s only 16 but chances are she is really 18 as at age 13 her first attack took place 5 years ago but that doesn’t bother the press around the world as long as they can team up with her and bash Israel for arresting a juvenile even if she isn’t one.

But all that was beside the point. Jordanian Political activist Rami Dabas says that: “If Ahad would have tried something like this with any soldier in an Arab country she wouldn’t be alive today. And for everyone’s information Ahad didn’t hit IDF soldiers once rather a good few times and she was arrested and jailed when in actuality Israeli jails are like 5 star hotels.”

If Tamimi would have done this in an Arab country she’d either be killed or seriously beaten for her insolence. Juvenile or not she’d be long gone…
When Israeli Channel 20 asked Rami Dabas why he made a video for Israel and against the Tamimi family he answered that he already made a previous video about Ahed Tamimi but Facebook erased it. “I made this video because I think people need to know the truth. People should know she was a juvenile and should know that it’s her father’s responsibility if she became a provocateur and that her place is not in battles and war but really should be in school studying and building herself a career and that’s all.

In his interview with Channel 20 Dabas also expressed his support for Trump’s declaration recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital. “It’s Abbas’ responsibility to agree to the peace process for the beginning of the process will be when Jerusalem is recognized as Israel’s capital not like the Arabs who claim that this recognition is a mistake. It is the right decision for it is a preparation for a new peace process and a new era in the region,” says Dabas.

The interviewer asked him if he feels safe in Jordan publicly speaking in favor of Israel in a country with 80% Palestinians. Dabas responded saying: To my good fortune I live in a city near Amman with mostly Jordanians not Palestinians so I feel safer but if you’re in northern Jordan there it’s far more dangerous to speak like I do. It’s true that posting these movies on Facebook can be dangerous but most of my followers are western from Israel and Europe but not local. There is a group of Jordanians that is keeping track of me but there are over 10 million people in Jordan so I feel pretty safe. I wasn’t ever attacked- my life was threatened but not for supporting Israel rather for criticizing the ideology of hate.”

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