Israel news:
A soldier and officer were killed in a military exercise when a mobile canon overturned. For other soldiers sustained various level of injury.
Death for terrorists is the growing demand in Israel after yesterday’s murder of 3 Israelis in Har Adar by an Arab worker they all knew who decided to murder Jews. The Israel Home party proposed the law in the Knesset previously and started to give it a big push yesterday. Avigdor Lieberman now joined in promoting the law though it was previously discarded from the Knesset only garnering Israel Home votes and no other votes.
The Israel water authority recommends cuts to agriculture and gardening and more instruction on water conservation in homes to help alleviate the water shortage.
The Israel Cyber Security Authority stated that it found indications of cyber ransom ware attacks focused on the Middle East, and South America. Some Israeli companies were hit.
2,000 shekel fine for a restaurant displaying an independent private kosher certification: the Jerusalem ‘Pasta Basta restaurant’ displayed an alternative kosher certification from the “Private Kashrut Association” without having the Rabbinate certification and was fined 2,000 shekels. This is because of the Supreme Court ruling that only the rabbinate can give kosher certification.
World news:
Interpol, the international police force may accept the PA as a member country further giving it undeserved legitimacy. The nations are prepared to risk their lives letting the robbers guard the bank as long as it can help harm Israel. Israel opposes the move which may help the PA ask for the arrest of Israeli Government officials at any airport in the world besides compromising world security.
The German Rabbinical Council met to discuss the extreme right’s rise to power in recent elections. It was decided that Jewish activities will be increased for the month of Tishrei.