After receiving bomb threat almost simultaneously across the U.S., many Jewish Community Centers were evacuated yesterday (Wednesday) as reported from many local sources.
Just over a week ago 16 Jewish institutions across several eastern states received similar threats. Some of the calls yesterday were prerecorded and some live, with the caller disguising his voice with special software. It is believed they all came from a single source.
27 centers were threatened on Wednesday in 17 different states: Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Kansas, New York, Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, Minnesota, Delaware, Maine, Missouri and Texas, according to the JCC Association of North America. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said: “Although the threats do not appear to be credible, the League is urging all communal institutions to take these threats extremely seriously.” This was the advice of the ADL to Jewish institutions across the United States following the string of bomb threats.
In these institutions, activities were disrupted for a short amount of time as the buildings were evacuated. They then resumed activities after getting clearance from local authorities who checked the buildings for bombs.