Israel News

MK Gattas Will be Distanced from Knesset for Six Months

The Ethics Committee of the Knesset this (Monday) morning decided to distance MK Basil Gattas from Knesset Meetings and committee meetings for six months. This was in response to Gattas allegedly sneaking cell phones to prisoners in the Ketziot Prison.

The decision was by a majority vote. “The Committee feels that the deed Gattas is being investigated about, smuggling cell phones sim cards and messages to prisoners is a breach of accepted ethical practice,” the committee stated.

Despite this, the committee doesn’t have the authority to remove him from voting so he will be able to vote (Even if he misses the discussion- maybe someone will smuggle him the information). He likewise will continue to get his MK salary for those six months.

MK Elkin tried to have Gattas expelled from the Knesset through the “Impeachment Law” which needs 90 MK votes and 70 MK signatures to be implemented. The opposition parties like Yesh Atid refused to sign leaving Elkin no recourse but to go to the Ethics Committee.

Elkin is not satisfied with that and said that justice lies in the hand of MK’s Herzog, Lapid and Livni who should do the morally correct thing and sign to expel Gattas.

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