Nirit experienced miracles when the knife missed her spinal cord when going through her spine and when the knife broke. Although she remained alive from the attack, she still has to deal with the physical difficulties brought on by her injuries. She has to go regularly to rehab in Hadassah Mount Scopus. Although she is today walking, she doesn’t have real mobility.
“The real difficulty is functioning in running my home. The terror attack on me has had many consequences. Even going on public transportation is hard, but I thank G-d that my life was saved.”
She has a deliver a message to the public: “Victims of attacks never go back to the way they were. It's entirely different from the pain of bereavement, it's a kind of pain that continues all the time.”
Chantal Belzberg, Executive Vice-Chairman of OneFamily, whose retreat for terror victims Nurit recently attended in Tiberias, confirms this. “Sometimes when we hear of people who've been wounded and whose life is no longer threatened, and who have even been released from the hospital, our tendency is to think that 'everything's fine,' but it isn’t. These wonderful people carry an emotional wound with them for the rest of their lives that continues bleeding long after the physical wound heals. It's important that the public in Israel understand the need to continue to support and assist terror victims.”