Top of the news:
About 150 Border Police surrounded the nine homes in Ofra and are evicting inhabitants from them.
A soldier was wounded from gunfire near Efrat. During military activities near Efrat the soldier was lightly wounded from fire at the group.
Facebook is closing down ‘Fatah’ page after they posted a picture of Arafat holding the gun of an IDF soldier kidnapped in the 80’s.
Israel is establishing a “biometric databank” as the Knesset ratified what type of information will be stored in it.
Submarine scandal:
The State Prosecutor Avichai Mandelblit ordered that the current investigation into the submarine scandal should be upgraded to a full criminal investigation. He also made it clear that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not in the list of suspects to be questioned.
People receiving mail will now know who sent the mail as the Knesset ratified a law requiring the return address on the envelope so people can decide if they want the mail.
The Bureau of Statistics found in a recent survey that 89% of Israelis are satisfied with their lives. The amount of people employed also went up from 81.5% in 2002 to 88.4 in 2015.
U.S. news:
A $10,000 reward is offered to whoever has information leading to the catching of the vandals who destroyed tombstones in a Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia.
Israel weather:
Today: Cloudy to partly cloudy with light showers. Strong Eastern winds will blow in the mountains and temperatures will higher than normal. Tonight: Cloudy to partly cloudy possible rain and thunderstorms in eastern and southern Israel. Flood warnings in effect for flood prone areas.
Wednesday: Cloudy to partly cloudy scattered showers and thundershowers. Temperatures will drop recognizably. Possibility of floods in eastern and southern Israel.
Thursday: From northern Israel to the northern Negev cloudy to partly cloudy with chance of local showers. Temperatures will drop slightly.
Friday: From northern Israel to the northern Negev cloudy to partly cloudy with chance of local showers. Temperatures lower than normal.