In a vote that was approved by 14 of the Security Council’s 15 members the US abstained. The 14 other members applauded Samantha Power for abstaining. The resolution calls Israeli “settlement building” in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank a “flagrant violation under international law” and demands that Israel discontinue all settlement activities immediately.” This resolution was first introduced by Egypt coordinating with the Palestinians. After Trump asked Egypt to withdraw the resolution Obama signaled he would abstain. New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal – said they would go ahead and introduce it. Picking up the cue from Obama, New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal re-introduced it.
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said: “It was to be expected that Israel’s greatest ally would act in accordance with the values that we share – and would have vetoed this disgraceful resolution.” Holding a Bible in his hand, Danon said, “This book holds 3,000 years of Jewish history in Israel, and no one can dictate or change that fact. This decision will join the list of shameful and anti-Israel decisions made by this organization.”
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin stated:
“A united Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel, and it will remain our capital. No international body can undermine that fact. This embarrassing, grave, and unfortunate decision was made by the UN in order to harm Israel politically. This decision does not bring negotiations with the Palestinians any closer, and in fact pushes them farther away. There will never be any replacement for direct negotiations between two sides.”
The president continued: “We expected the US, our greatest ally and friend, who has stood beside Israel and helped us with our security needs uncompromisingly for so many years, to stand beside Israel now, as well. We expected the US not to throw Israel into the hands of a cynical international group with interests foreign to Israel's. This year, I will light the third Hanukkah candle in Beit El, together with Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria.”
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made the following statement at a Chanukah Candle lighting ceremony:
“Citizens of Israel,” he said, “I want to calm you down. The decision reached yesterday in the UN is distorted and shameful, but we shall overcome it. The decision makes the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City 'occupied' territory – that's delusional. It says that the Western Wall, the Kotel, is 'occupied' territory – that's just as delusional. There is nothing more absurd than calling the Western Wall and Jewish Quarter occupied territory.”
“Not only does this decision not bring peace closer, it in fact pushes peace farther away. It is an affront to justice, to truth. Think about how absurd it is. Half a million people slaughtered in Syria, tens of thousands in Sudan, the entire Middle East is in flames and Obama's government and the Security Council decide to attack the only democracy in the Middle East – Israel- how shameful!”
Obama’s decision brought a lot of backlash from politicians in the United States from Democrats as well as Republicans. It was a reward to terror, one of many Obama has given to different regimes of terror over the past eight years. Donald Trump tweeted: “As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.”
As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 23 בדצמבר 2016