News Headlines in 60 Seconds

Over 200 Killed and 2,000 Wounded in Iran-Iraq Border Earthquake

Israel news:

Chief of Staff Eizenkott and NATO head US General Curtis Scaparrotti had second secret urgent meeting in two weeks: They discussed the Iranian military build-up in Syria especially in light of the new information about Iranian bases being built in Syria.

IDF forces arrested Tareq Ka'adan, an Islamic Jihad leader in Yesha: The Islamic Jihad must be contained so they don’t consider a retaliatory attack for losing 14 operatives when the Gaza tunnels were blown up last week.

7 parked cars were burned last night in Nahariyya: Firefighters put the flames out and the incident is under investigation.

6 high-rise buildings in Jerusalem illegally by Arabs will be demolished: The apartment buildings are in the village of Kfar Aqab, which is part of Jerusalem. The GSS, Israeli Police, the IDF, will all work in tandem with the Jerusalem municipality to destroy the buildings with strong but measured explosives.

World news:

Over 200 killed and 2,000 wounded in Iran-Iraq border from an earthquake: Most of those killed or injured were in Iran. The earthquake 7.2 on the Richter scale was also felt in most of Israel.

Saudi Arabia asks Arab League to convene special meeting this coming Sunday about creating a united front against Iran’s violations. With the resignation of Lebanon’s Prime Minister Hariri and missiles fired at it from Yemen, Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of being that long arm of terror behind the unrest in the Middle East.

Macron threatened Iran with sanctions for their ballistic missile program last week but Iran doesn’t consider the program something that deserves to be sanctioned and told France that the nuclear program nations signed with it is non-negotiable. Macron himself has nothing against the nuclear program unlike Trump who won’t confirm Iran’s compliance and renew the deal. But both leaders agree the missile program is a danger to world stability.

In response to Saudi Arabia saying that Lebanon and Iran declared war on it, Iran threatened the Saudis calling them the enemy in a speech on Friday from Ahmad Khatami, saying Iran won’t tolerate the slightest harm to it. This rise of tones between both nations is on the backdrop of Hariri’s resignation from being Lebanese prime minister and the Yemeni missile fired at Riyadh which Iran denies it had anything to do with.

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