Light for the Soul
A person who strives to improve his character traits and achieve a sterling character is often confused regarding the best…
The Effect of Music on the Brain and Mind
Music can bring a person to feel such exaltation and inner joy that he spontaneously breaks out in dance. Kabbalists…
Charan – Externally Righteous
Charan's death was unusual in that only his internal organs were destroyed, implying that his external body remained undamaged. What…
Chanukah = Finding Your Match!
Chanukah is an auspicious time to merit your match. See how!
Watch: New Use for the Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
Great idea for those of you who rely on the robotic vacuum cleaner to clean the floor
Watch: Extreme Natural Phenomena from Around the Globe in 2017
A sequence of videos that displays frightening natural phenomena that have taken place around the world this year
Happy Birthday!
10 facts about birthdays in Judaism you probably didn’t know.
A Recipe for a Refreshingly Green Shake
One cup of this green shake provides the body with adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants essential in…
In Israel, Smoking May Be a Part of the Past
A new law proposal in Israel will try to do this
Opening Tin Cans and Packages on Shabbat
Is it Permissible to open tin cans, boxes and packages on Shabbos, in order to get the food inside them?