Incredible Gallery: When Real Beauty Surpasses Imagination
Spectacular photographs from various photo competitions around the globe. Real photos without any Photoshop
Torah and science – Astronomy: the moon’s renewal
In this section we demonstrate how the latest knowledge of astronomy coincides perfectly with that which our Rabbis taught over…
British Medical Research: There is Life After Death
An examination of more than 2,000 patients who underwent cardiac arrest shows that the consciousness retains its awareness, even during…
It’s All From Above
True faith in G-d requires one to firmly believe that everything that happens is Straight from Above
Sefardi Party – Avi Peretz & The Freilach Band
Feel the Magic as Avi and The Freilach Band perform some of the most popular Israeli and Sefardi songs
Watch: Construction of the Latest Aircraft in the World
A fast motion clip of the latest Dreamliner airplane, at the aircraft production line of Boeing 787
Mirrors, Marvels, Mysteries and Medrash
Mirrors reflect light in a spectacular manner. The image viewed in a mirror seems to be an astonishingly accurate representation…
Tehillim – Psalms for Friday
Tehillim (The Book of Psalms) for Friday, divided into daily portions. Friday Psalms: Chapters 107 – 119
The Torah’s familiarity with EVERY animal in the world
The Torah reveals one of the secrets of nature. Among the thousands of species of domesti-cated and wild animals in…
Coronavirus: Being Together with other Jews
Credit: Pulse of Israel Facebook Twitter. À propos À son ami l abbé chaulieu qui d’ailleurs ne d’un rapportés…