Can I buy and wear new clothes during the Three Weeks?
It is permitted to wear new clothes between 17 Tammuz and the first day of Av (in 2016, July 24 to August 4). But it is best to refrain from wearing elegant or festive clothes of the kind that one would recite the blessing Shehechiyanuover it. (See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 551:17)
After the month of Av begins — according to the custom of the Ashkenazim, one shouldn’t wear a new garment even if one wouldn’t recite Shehechiyanu over it. (Rema ibid:6). According to the Sephardic custom, one should avoid wearing a new garment only during the week that the fast of Tisha B’Av falls (in 2016 — August 7-12). However, it is proper for Sephardim to be more stringent and not do so from the beginning of the month of Av (in 2016 — August 5). (Responsa Yecheveh Daat 1:37)
Can I buy and wear new clothes during the Three Weeks?
It is permitted to wear new clothes between 17 Tammuz and the first day of Av (in 2016, July 24 to August 4). But it is best to refrain from wearing elegant or festive clothes of the kind that one would recite the blessing Shehechiyanuover it. (See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 551:17)
After the month of Av begins — according to the custom of the Ashkenazim, one shouldn’t wear a new garment even if one wouldn’t recite Shehechiyanu over it. (Rema ibid:6). According to the Sephardic custom, one should avoid wearing a new garment only during the week that the fast of Tisha B’Av falls (in 2016 — August 7-12). However, it is proper for Sephardim to be more stringent and not do so from the beginning of the month of Av (in 2016 — August 5). (Responsa Yecheveh Daat 1:37)
All the best,
Hillel Meyers
Can I Go Swimming During the Three Weeks?
According to the custom of the Sephardim, one may go swimming in a pool or in a sea during the Three weeks, including during the week that Tisha B’Av falls. (Responsa Yecheveh Da’at 1:38 and Chazon Ovadya on the 4 Fasts, page 238)
However, according to the Ashkenazic custom, one may go in a pool or the sea only until the beginning of Av. (Responsa Tshuvot V’Hanhagot 2:263)
According to all customs, one should be extremely careful during these days not to travel around or bathe in places that may be dangerous because these days are ill-omened. (See what the Piskei Tshuvot mentions in Vol. 6 551:46)
All the best,
Hillel Meyers
Three weeks0 20 1 minute read