Here is the will and testament that was read at Rabbi Shteinman’s graveside:
- I ask that no one eulogize me, not in front of me and not away from me and not to make rallies of arousal (to repentance).
- Don’t write any articles about me in the newspapers.
- Don’t print funeral notices and don’t announce it on the radio or megaphones; 10 people are enough to make a funeral.
- I ask anyone who wants to benefit me to learn a chapter of Mishnah for 12 months and women can say 10 psalms for me daily including Shabbat and holidays.
- I ask anyone mentioning me not to call me a tsaddik (righteous one) or a yirei Hashem a G-d fearing person so that when I go to the world of truth I won’t suffer embarrassment.
- I very much ask forgiveness to anyone whose honor I may have hurt or if I owe them money that I don’t know about or something that won’t actually be collected which is coming to him lawfully. I ask them to forgive me (of those debts).
- I ask all my children and grandchildren not to follow my bier as per the (funeral) custom of Jerusalem.
- My tombstone should be a simple one with no titles on it. Don’t spend money on my burial plot.
- Since many people are mistaken about me as far as I’m concerned I advise people not to name their children after me but I don’t forbid it.
May His memory be a blessing.
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