Israel NewsJewish News

Rivlin Apologizes After the Storm He Caused: “The Shabbat Watches Over the Jewish Nation”

Apology after upsetting statement: President Reuven Rivlin issued a statement in which he apologized for a previous statement he made.

“In my words I wanted to express my sincere concern for the difficult disputes about Religion and the State with the intentions of bringing peace. Much to my chagrin, it caused more tension, the opposite of my intentions and I’m sorry for that,” Rivlin stated.

“I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Even more than Israel watched over the “Status Quo” (of keeping Shabbat), the Status Quo watched over them. I believe that on a national level we are not allowed to harm the Status Quo for it is a central foundation of our national perception, especially the importance of the Shabbat which insures Israel stays a Jewish state,” President Rivlin added.
The Jewish public and Shabbat at its core has always protected and will continue to protect the Jewish character of our country and the unity of all parts of our nation” The President clarified. “In my previous words I spoke clearly about the religious character of our country. The fact is that Israel cannot separate between Religion along with the faith that carried us through all the generations and our lives today. In my words I sought to ask how we can resolve the difficult disputes we have with the idea of lowering the tensions out of true concern for protecting the strength of Israel and Israeli society.”
Rivlin tried to explain what he meant when saying that “every local council will decide if it will keep Shabbat” with the following: “I said that in future discussions we should consider anchoring with agreement and dialogue the arrangements that will allow expression and respect for various ways of life as we already do today. Already today Israel justly respects and supports various groups and secures their needs. This is a source of national pride.”
“I repeat that I’m pained that my words weren’t formed with enough sensitivity and clarity, and I pray that we should merit the increase of peace and love between us,” concluded President Rivlin.
This apology is important because this is not the first time Reuven Rivlin spoke out against halacha. In the past he endorsed the mixed marriage of Machmoud and Moral and afterward supported the requests of the Reform movement. Now he spoke out against the Shabbat.  His apology was the right thing to do.

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