Watch: What Came Out of this Shark Egg?

    What came out of this egg of a bamboo shark, that looks like nothing more than a piece of wood?…

    The Cause of Death of Healthy Young People

    If someone died young from sudden heart failure his family should know there is a genetic factor.

    Stages in the Menstrual Cycle

    It is clear that Jewish law provides solutions to a number of difficult medical and family-relationship problems confronted by many…

    Vayechi All Wrapped Up: Blessing our Children

    Why bless our children to be like Ephraim and Menashe more than any of the other tribes?

    Message to Parents: Compliment, But Don’t Exaggerate

    It turns out that even compliments in parenting have a limit

    Listen to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zt”l Sing in his Youth

    Rare video of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, of blessed memory, singing with his amazing voice

    Unlocking G-d’s Blessing

    In this short clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid gives us the key to unlocking the blessing G-d is waiting to shower…

    Dangerous Waters

    Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser talks of the dangers of intermarriage at our own doorstep in the workplace.

    How Did this Family of Ducks Cross the Waterfall? Watch and Find Out

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Cialis avec mastercard Où acheter du viagra Le viagra est-il…

    The Eternal Spark in Every Jew

    Get yours to burn bright this Hanukkah
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