The Effect of Colors on the Human Psyche – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What color are you particularly drawn to? What does that imply about you? Why is green the color of the…

    Chief Rabbi David Lau: “Israeli Supreme Court Encourages Kashrut Fraud”

    “Saying an establishment is “supervised” means nothing and opens the door to kashrut fraud”

    Scarlett Johansson Found Her Roots and Couldn’t Stop Crying

    Her Grandfather’s whole family was wiped out in the Warsaw Ghetto

    Shneur Cohen Has “The Gift”

    Shneur Cohen, a young Chasidic Jew, is the unlikely author of an unlikely book, "The Gift" which spent twenty weeks…

    Nutrition: An Egg a Day?

    You heard of an apple a day keeping the doctor away but an egg a day?

    Watch: Did You Know a Lemon could Save Lives?

    If you are stuck on a trip at night and there is no one to rescue you, you may need…

    Résumé du cours hebdomadaire du Rav Yitshak Yossef Chlita !

    Cette semaine, retrouvez la suite des lois du Shabat !

    Parshat Hachodesh: Your Key to Renewed Strength

    10 facts about Parshat Hachodesh

    Watch: Incredible Footage of Animals in the Wild

    Enjoy magnificent documentation of animals in their natural habitat. Take time to appreciate the Wonders of Creation

    “There are Now Hundreds of Ethiopian Torah scholars” — An Interview with Three Ethiopian Rabbis

    Three Ethiopian rabbis — Rabbi Mazor Baheine, Rabbi Eliezer Mengesha and Rabbi Reuven Wabeshet — discuss how their community is…
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