Israel News

US Palestinian Point of Contention: Payments to Terrorist Families

Jared Kushner already flew back to the states after a 24 hour whirlwind visit in Israel and the PA. He came as part of the US efforts to renew peace negotiations between Israel and the PA. He met with Netanyahu and with Abu Mazen.

Opening the meeting with Jared Kushner Netanyahu greeted him: “This is an opportunity to attain the common goals of the United States and Israel- security, prosperity and peace”, Netanyahu told Jared. “I bless your efforts and the president’s efforts and I look forward to working with you to achieve these common goals.”

After their meeting the White House publicized a statement: “The United States officials and Israeli leadership underscored that forging peace will take time and stressed the importance of doing everything possible to create an environment conducive to peacemaking.”

Kushner went together with Jason Greenblatt to Ramallah for a meeting with Abu Mazen. After the meeting a senior PA official told Reuters: “That the meeting was bad is an understatement”. This official said the meeting became tense mainly when discussing the payments the PA makes to families of terrorists who are imprisoned in Israel.

“Greenblatt was adamant that the payments stop. The Americans buy into Netanyahu’s narrative regarding Palestinian incitement,” said this official. He added that the Palestinians at the meeting didn’t give into Jason’s pressure on them and they demanded that the US ask Israel to stop building in the settlements.

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