
The Sukkah that Contains and Unites

The high tensions we experience during the High Holidays are surprisingly released with a burst of joy on holiday of Sukkot, as it says, “he who has not seen the rejoicing at the Place of the Water-Drawing has never seen rejoicing in his life.”

During this holiday, the heart expands because of the crops collected from the field, but also because of the spiritual harvest, collected during the year. Sukkot concludes the three pilgrimage festivals, as well as the days of judgment that we had just experienced. During this time, we are supposed to be thankful, and rejoice for all the good with which we were blessed. It is not without reason that in the time of the Temple, the Sukkot festival represented the end of the giving of the first fruits, along with the reading of thanks.

This joy breaks through all barriers and allows us to deviate from our personal boundaries, come closer and unite with all who surround us. “All of Israel deserves to sit in one Sukah” (Sukah, 27:2). During this holiday, all colors and varieties find their place and unite – that’s the only way the blessing can be effective. When we are united, our Father can bless us with His glory.

And He does indeed bless us. He embraces us with the clouds of glory, which offer security and protection, and allow us to take shelter and live under the wings of faith.

This is the time we must open our hearts, and let ourselves be filled with all the powers this wonderful holiday has to offer – powers of joy, faith, unity and connectedness, as well as divine closeness and adherence. Infused with these powers, we will be able to begin the New Year all over again.

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